I am a Registered Acupuncturist, Registered Massage Therapist, Fascial Stretch Therapist, Certified Nutritionist, as well as a Certified NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) and SAAT (Soliman Auricular Allergy Technique) practitioner. I have been in private practice for over 22 years and work with a variety of clientele who suffer from musculoskeletal pain. My passion is helping people get out of pain…FAST and designing customized blueprints for long-term pain relief and well-being. I help people who want to relieve pain, feel great, maximize their performance, and connect with their untapped potential.
I have been blessed to study all across the world with leading experts in the fields of pain management, sports medicine, natural medicine and holistic lifestyle and incorporate what I have learned into treatment plans that deliver immediate results! .
My resume includes working with professional athletes (NHL, AHL, CFL, MLB, UFC and professional body builders) film production personnel, celebrities, business professionals, senior citizens, young children and everyone in between. I am also experienced in the treatment of auto and work related injuries in a variety of clinical settings.
My purpose and mission in life is to inspire and invoke change in people to take better care of themselves so they can live pain-free and stay active throughout their whole life.
Healthy living is achieved by treating your body with love and respect. If you want it to perform at optimal levels, you need to take better care of it…let me show you how!
In my spare time, I enjoy an active life full of travel, playing sports, weight training, yoga and eating healthy delicious food. I believe that performance optimization as well as feeling and looking great comes directly from living a healthy lifestyle.
Dilshad Alvi, R.Ac., RMT, FST, CNP, NAET, SAAT.